This project looked into the impact of motivational factors on employee's commitment. Four research questions were formulated for the study all derived from the objective of the study. Questionnaire was used to gather data from thirty (30) respondents in Zenith Bank Plc, based on the research questions drawn for the study. No sampling method was adopted as the population studied was manageable. Simple percentage method was used to analyze the data collected. The study revealed that motivation enhances employees commitment. Employees can be motivated through many ways in order to get the best in them. This can be done by identifying what constitutes the employees needs. The study also revealed that lack of motivation leads to poor employees commitment. Finally, the study recommends among others that management should be sensitive to the needs of their workers and take palliative measures towards alleviating them. Organizations should adopt management style that create a sense of belonging; boost staff self-esteem. Effort should be made by management of organizations (with particular reference to Zenith Bank Plc) to motivate their staff through prompt promotions, provision of loans, job security and conducive working environment and ensure that workers are happy and ever enthusiastic about their job.